New Year’s Resolutions for Your Southern Home

The start of a new year is an optimistic time. There’s so much potential to create new habits and changes in your life. But have you considered making new year’s resolutions for your home?

In the spirit of new beginnings, we put together a few resolutions you may want to keep in your Southern home this year.

Reduce energy use

There’s more to “going green” than driving a hybrid car or installing solar panels on your home. You can trim energy use with a few simple changes around your home:

  • Install LED lightbulbs and low-flow showerheads
  • Turn off lights when you leave a room
  • Set air conditioner to 78 degrees during the day or 85 degrees when you’re at work or away
  • Set heater to 55 degrees at night
  • Run dishwasher and washing machine only when full

Southern Homes are built to exceed energy efficiency requirements and all of our homes are outfitted with Energy Star appliances and low maintenance landscaping. Learn more about our green features.

Declutter your home

Decluttering your home is the most affordable way to transform your space and instantly feel better. Instead of jumping in and trying to declutter the entire house, break this project into smaller tasks by room. Pick a room, and take your time going through its contents, deciding which items you will keep, donate, or toss.

Create a cleaning schedule

Now that you cleared the clutter from your home, create a cleaning schedule to keep your home looking great. Make a schedule that works for your family and lifestyle, scheduling each cleaning task for a specific day, week, or time of month. Make this a family affair by enlisting every member of the family to help keep the house in working order.

Bring home fresh flowers

It may sound frivolous, but fresh flowers can have a huge impact not only on your mood but also in your home. Fresh flowers can improve your mood, spruce up your décor, and even purify the air!  Pick up some flowers during your next grocery trip and enjoy.

These simple resolutions will make your home a more relaxing space you’ll love being in. Southern Homes offers a variety of floorplans for each life stage, from young families to empty-nesters. Visit our website to view our current floorplans today.